The Derbyshire Volunteer Fund

Foundations Derbyshire
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The fund has three main strands

  1. Volunteer recruitment, training and retention
  2. Training for staff and committee members to enhance the community group/charities efficiency or quality of service
  3. Projects working to increase communication and networking opportunities

Type of Project costs funded


Encouraging people to volunteer – this includes creating more volunteering opportunities and developing ways to keep your volunteers in place

Offering training – especially if the training helps staff or volunteers in one of the following areas: Networking, income generation (fundraising or social enterprise) and organisation management (any course helping with running your group)

Encouraging Networking and partnership working – both within the community and voluntary sector and between voluntary groups and the private and statutory sectors. This could also include better communication strategies for your group such as website development, newsletters etc


Derby City and Derbyshire wide


The maximum grant is currently £2,500

Closing Dates

There are no closing dates, decision panels meet on a rolling 12-week programme. Please contact the grants team if your project is time critical

Making An Application

The Foundation has an online application process. You will need to have a valid e-mail address to access the application process. If you do not wish to complete the form online but would prefer to handwrite your bid then please do let us know and we’ll happily post you a hard copy out. Find out more about making an application below.

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